A while back my husband posted on facebook that he liked boobs, bacon and chocolate. I figured I had the boobs thing covered and and chocolate is easy so I set out to find a valentine-ish way to give him bacon.
Ta-da! They're bacon roses. I found a wonderful how to demo online and set out to make something special for hubs for Valentine's Day. If you want to make something similar for the special guy (or girl, I mean who doesn't love bacon?) it wasn't too hard. Check out the step by step pics at Instructables for directions. When I did this I opted for a nail and a hammer to make the holes in the pan (which I've had for nearly 10 years and never used until now). I also only made a dozen of these and it was a good thing because half way through I move the roses to empty spots because they didn't drain too well (probably because I opted for a nail instead of a drill, but you use what you've got). Also, I baked mine for a total of 52 minutes and they were still a overly chewy in the middle (I like chewy bacon, but hubs prefers the crispity crunchy bacon). I was afraid if I went any longer they would be too done on the outside. Maybe next time I will cut down the length of the bacon strips.
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