Yes, I am painfully aware that it has been a very long time without a post. November is a pretty busy month for us, we have two birthdays and are gearing up for the upcoming holiday season. October brings with it the fun and stress-free holiday of Halloween, but November brings with it the uber stressful family-expects-to-see-you holidays. So, alas, I've been away from the blogging world a bit. But, I've been inspired to come back to the land of the virtually-living and post again. (c: Since it's Monday I thought why not kick off my back-to-blogging with a Menu Plan Monday post? This week's menu is a little off because we will be having two Thanksgiving-type dinners. I think we will all be sick of turkey by the end of this week.
Monday: Japanese-style stir fry
Tuesday: Our at-home Thanksgiving meal - Smoked turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes with gravy and pumpkin fluff
Wednesday - Pork chops with mac and cheese (wanted a break from turkey for today)
Thursday - Thanksgiving at the in-laws for lunch and our own leftovers at home for dinner
Friday - ?? Normally this is my grocery shopping day - but I'm not crazy and won't be grocery shopping on Black Friday - in all honest, I might not even leave the house. I'm thinking if we still have leftovers I might make a turkey pot pie or we may be so sick of traditional Thanksgiving fare that we might do something wacky like breakfast for supper.
Saturday and Sunday are remaining unplanned as well because I don't know when I will actually be shopping. One of those days is likely to be pizza (c;
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